2011年3月20日に行われた小出裕章さん(京都大学原子炉実験所 助教)の講演です。小出さんは原子力の研究者という立場から、原子力の危険について、40年以上に渡り警鐘を鳴らし続けて来られました。その警鐘空しく、私たちは東日本大震災で福島原発の大事故を招いてしまいました。今も現場では作業員の方々が命がけで復旧に取り組んでおられますが、まだまだ予断を許さない状況が続いています。空や海に広がる放射能の影響も心配です。
"The Truth about Nuclear Power"
as revealed by an unyielding nuclear researcher
Hiroaki Koide of the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, who has been issuing warnings about the dangers of nuclear power for over 40 years, gave this lecture on March 20 just after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.
The reactors have melted down, and a great amount of radioactivity continues to contaminate the air, ground and ocean. Four months after the accident, despite the efforts of those working onsite, the situation is far from being under control. This accident has been rated as level 7, the highest possible level (and the same as the Chernobyl accident).
The permissible radiation exposure limit was raised from 1 mSv to 20 mSV per year following the accident, and the effect that this may have on children is extremely worrying.
Japan, which experienced the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs, is now suffering from the effects of the Fukushima accident. We must learn from this painful experience, and never make the same mistake. We must create a world in which children can grow up in peace.
This is a message from Japan to the world. We would like this to reach everyone living on earth. Please spread this message to your dear ones.
訳:岡崎秀,キンバリー S. ヒューズ,菅野禮子,ユキ S ジルバーバーグ,小山邦子,清田京子
テロップ:井出 隆一
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